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 10/23/2006 : Royal's Revolution

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Nombre de messages : 370
Age : 35
Localisation : Val d'oise
Date d'inscription : 05/10/2006

10/23/2006 : Royal's Revolution Empty
MessageSujet: 10/23/2006 : Royal's Revolution   10/23/2006 : Royal's Revolution Icon_minitimeLun 30 Oct - 16:33

Royal's Revolution

By Gareth Cartman

If anyone had thought that Ségolène Royal's idea of participative democracy was just hot air, they were wrong. Yesterday, Ségolène Royal unveiled her latest policy for the Presidential election, which involves the creation of "popular juries" to control MPs.

For some it is the sign of a huge step forward. For others, Ségolène Royal's proposal to create "popular juries" reminds them of Mao's cultural revolution, and some of the most troubled times in history.

The proposal is relatively simple. MPs will be made accountable by regular sessions with popular juries selected at random. The purpose is to reconcile the electorate with their elected officials, and to prevent ridiculous campaign proposals being made in order to secure a mandate.

Royal, who has claimed that her policies will be formed by the opinions of the electorate, has denied that she is populist. Her website, Desirs d'Avenir, is a collaborative forum of ideas from which she takes many of her policy proposals. Calling it a "participative democracy", she even applies it to foreign policy, notably in Turkey three weeks ago where she claimed that Turkey's entry into the EU would be difficult.

The proposal to create popular juries, therefore, met the ire of Max Gallo in today's Le Figaro. The former minister under François Mitterrand likened the proposals to Chairman Mao's cultural revolution in China - Mao created popular juries to assess teachers and MPs. Panels were established to condemn them if they were not doing their job properly.

He said: "the only democracy we should have is the one we have right now. Universal suffrage works just fine".

10/23/2006 : Royal's Revolution Segolene30

Source : http://www.paris-link-home.com/news/121/ARTICLE/1310/2006-10-23.html
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