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| Sujet: 10/07/2006 : For Ségolène Royal, the games are not made Dim 8 Oct - 8:09 | |
| For Ségolène Royal, the games are not made Ségolène Royal plays her(it) modest: the candidate in the primary of the PS recognized on Saturday that the games are made "in no way" for a little less than six weeks of the first tour of the vote of the socialist activists. " Should not or the candidate go out damaged by this internal campaign ", she again warned. Interrogated in its arrival to the meeting of the national concil of the PS in the Mutuality, the "gazelle" recognized that the games are made "in no way" between three candidates in contention. " I have a big principle in politics(policy), it is to respect the voters. There, the voters are the members of the PS who are going to pronounce, who are going to choose between three candidates and I respect them as I respect the other candidates ". For all that, the favourite of the polls(soundings) to the left rest "serene", " but I also know that things are not easy, that it is always necessary to deserve everything, that every stage deserves to be worked ". According to a poll(sounding) CSA published on Saturday in " The Parisian / Aujourd' hui in France " and itélé, the distance seems to tighten between three pretenders in the PS: 45 % of Frenchmen would prefer that Ségolène Royal is indicated(appointed) candidate, in front of Dominique Strauss-Kahn (23 %) and Laurent Fabius (15 %). It is only about an indication because it is the activists of the PS, not the Frenchmen, that will choose their candidate on November 16th (and 23 if is needed a second tour). Ségolène Royal, who had already warned against the " machine to lose ", again called his(her) competitors to the respect in the internal campaign which opened last Tuesday. " It is not necessary that or the candidate (in) sort damaged ", she(it) prevented(warned). " There are useless attacks, there are debates which are not of the level for which the Frenchmen are entitled to wait. Yes, there is a risk ". The candidate then had to intervene in the stand of the national concil for a dozen minutes, for the first time since the beginning of the hostilities to the PS, following the example of her two competitors. In the afternoon, she had to gather(reunite) her partisans behind closed doors in Paris. " I, I support and I undertake with Ségolène Royal, but the debate has to take place in any transparency ", also alerted(notified) Jean-Marc Ayrault, leader of the representatives PS, who had to participate in the meeting of "ségolénistes". It is necessary " that we are tightened(stretched out) towards a single objective, it is to beat the right-hand side and what we never relive on 2002! ". Sources : http://permanent.nouvelobs.com/politique/20061007.FAP6593.html?1003 | |